Wednesday 9 July 2014

Making the Undesirable Desirable

Have you guys seen the movie Between Us? It is a really good insightful movie (don't mind the critics). You should watch it, there are many lessons to be learnt from the movie.

After watching the movie last night, AF and I started to discuss aspects of the movie and called on our past experiences as examples. There were two lessons we agreed on 1) without opportunity, handwork can be worth nothing 2) to succeed in life, to achieve your goals, you have to make the undesirable desirable.

Lesson 1: AF said I have never beaten him in word with friends, ever! i was shocked because that's a big fat lie. however i didn't have any evidence because i had played so many times and the app only stores so many games. The only way i could prove this was not true was to play another game with him and win. Good plan right? Great plan!

Anyway for hours I was leading by at least 50 points. I remained focused, thought things through before I placed my tiles. I worked damn hard at that game. When there were only about 6 tiles left in the bag my dearest husband played a four-letter word and scored 70 points and blew me out! I have refused to finish that game. He has been nudging me all day to play, I just can't deal. Hiss!

Lesson 2: We all have dreams of doing something special with our lives. for some people this comes easily but for others, they will have to navigate their lives down a different route to achieve that dream, that goal. The first step is to be realistic about our goals and dreams and the next step is to do what ever it takes to achieve that realistic goal. This can some times mean you have to do what you don't like.   The trick is to keep your eye on that goal and make the undesirable desirable. 

When you watch the movie please let me know what you think. Do agree on the lessons learnt?

Speaking of undesirable things, AF decided last week he liked brown rice. Heaven save me! As i don't have the energy to cook two different pots of rice I came up with a recipe that allows me to enjoy the brown rice.


2 cups of brown basmati rice
1 medium onion, sliced
1 tsp of whole coriander
1 tsp of whole black peppercorns
1 tsp of dry mustard seeds
1 tsp of cumin seeds 
2 tbs of sunflower oil


Wash the rice and soak in hot water for about 30 minutes, drain and keep aside. Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onions until they are soft on medium heat, fry for about 3 minutes. Remove the onion from the pan and keep aside. Add all the seeds to the pan and cover. once they start to pop, add the drained rice and mix thoroughly for even distribution. Add water, just enough to cover the rice and let it cook on low heat. You may need to add more water. They trick is to add water bit by bit so you don't end up with soggy rice.

When the rice is cooked, stir in the fried onions. 

Serve with goat stew or cat fish.

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