Sunday 4 May 2014

How Do You Like It?

Life is funny sha! Funny how we take things for granted. Masa is one of those Nigerian foods I was never crazy about. I like it, I am or was never crazy about it.  I grew up around it so it was always available. In the eighteen months I spent in Nigeria I don’t remember craving it. I probably ate it once when I went home to visit my folks. I move to Doha and all of a sudden I crave it amongst other things.

My craving was so intense that I went out to buy a cupcake maker just for masa (because I didn’t have the “kwanu” to cook it in).  I followed 9jafoodie recipe, which is so easy I must say but I baked it instead of frying. 

Here are the different ways I enjoyed my masa:

Masa served with lamb stew

Masa Added to stir fry, can be an appetiser 

Gizzard broth with masa and vegetables
All masa dishes including served with suya and served with plain honey.